
  • Idea Title: WatchDog: Ensuring Online Safety for All
  • Problem Statement: Trust & Safety challenges tend to be consistent across platforms, while abuse detection strategies are siloed. There are few opportunities for industry information sharing, the current solutions are reactive and Community Guidelines are content-first, not behavior-first.
  • Idea Description: An information-sharing consortium to facilitate the transfer of bad actor behavioral patterns and signals between Trust & Safety teams. WatchDog will consume shared information and develop user level AI models focused on behavior to detect and enforce accounts and networks that cause harm. A continuous feedback-loop will allow platforms to feed data into WatchDog as patterns and behaviors change over time
  • Contributors: Aditi Udayabhaskar, Sam Star, Jessica Johnson, Julie Betts Lotufo, Vinay Kadam, Wendy Kirby
  • Point of Contact: Leslie Salgado (

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