Data Sharing

SafeTrace Collaborative

Idea Title: SafeTrace Collaborative (STC) Idea Description: STC is a first of it’s kind, open-source AI resource dedicated to protect children from malicious harm online. This unique repository brings together data from various social media companies, collaborating to detect and … Read More


Idea Title: AlgoSpeakeasy- Open-Source Moderation Evasion Detection Across Platforms Idea Description: Train an AI model using diverse multilingual takedown datasets to identify and flag instances of moderation evasion across platforms, enabling the labeling of posts and profiles that engage in … Read More


Idea Title: WatchDog: Ensuring Online Safety for All Problem Statement: Trust & Safety challenges tend to be consistent across platforms, while abuse detection strategies are siloed. There are few opportunities for industry information sharing, the current solutions are reactive and … Read More

B.L.O.B.I. (Big List of Bad Ideas)

Idea Title: B.L.O.B.I. Big List of Bad Ideas Idea Description: An AI model designed to detect and track emerging hate groups by analyzing and learning from existing data sets of hate speech. In collaboration with trusted partners, we aim to … Read More

AI Safety Network Initiative

Idea Title: AI Safety Network Initiative Idea Description: AI-powered connection model for sharing cross-platform abuse Any industry could spin up their own central clearing house for sharing hashed content identifying abusive users E.g., make it easy for Bumble to tell … Read More